samedi 23 mai 2015


The man is a depraved animal; it ceases to invent ways to s autodetruire.Il begins with his body and his health in shooting up in various ways: the most common such as tobacco up to hard drugs manufactured by modern chemistry; with this; he always complains be a victim of history, of the State; of the Company etc ..the largest of depravity is that observed in half of humanity; among many women; that instead of respecting their nature intended to give life and to perpetuate; use genderfor criminal purposes by destroying everything:-A Begin with prostitution; the oldest profession in the world, with its corollary of misery and decadence values ​​as women choose her the same road to perdition they are responsible for their fate despite victimization attempts dy which they try to find a random justification and misleading.-The Use of sex as a means of domination and taming of males in the history of inspiring examples starting with CLEOPATRE using his charm to return MARC ANTOINE and his legions against Rome; KENNEDY us closer and MARYLIN; or BILL CLINTON and MONICA: all this causes trouble on the relationship between gender and politique.Comment politicians are conducted from the end of sex by women shamelessly; causing historical misfortunes, especially in countries where sexual repression; attributable to a moral rigor facade, there is then a so-called liberation of women; pretext to women whose parachute skills lie only in the lower ventre.Des drops experienced by graduates and virtuous women; whose moral rectitude of this excludes competition.-We Get to the top of this depravation; c is pornography; which becomes industry; the sex industry: who unveiled a pathological score among producers and consumers of the virtual physical love.The worst of the dangers of the industry; lies in its trivialization by ambient mode that pornographise: clothes highlighting; sthe private parts people like those which enclose the buttocks or genital parts to expose them to passers.The consequence, this is a pornographisation of globalized culture; -Even she civilization; of the modern state and its laws as gay marriage in France called marriage for all, derived information Terms of sexually harassing; designate the men as potential victims of so-called weaker sex that seeks privileges by using his weapon : sex.The pornographisation of modernity is a criminal enterprise and notes that conviction of a rationality which destines man to a harmonious existence with nature; its nature and requirements of spiritual elevation which must be invested modernity. The decadence of politics goes hand in hand with its lower level of instincts, the decadence that begins with sex (EROS) and ends (THANATOS) death: c is why wars and destruction of the rational world; and its replacement by a world of first dimension; that of instinct in his strongest brutalite.Le crushing the weaker; even if force has taken technical and scientific mask; it remains a sprain to the most elementary humanism.

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