There was, in the past years; a thought that became fashionable: MICHEL FOUCAULT announcing the death of the man; PAUL FEYRABEND the: death of reason and Fukuyama's end of history.
only; we did not understand that the death of the man must be understood in an allegorical sense; is to say the end of a conception of man and the humanite.For me; announces the end of the STATE or rather its imminent demise: in what sense can we understand this modern L STATE that it is in the center (developed countries) and the periphery (Third World countries) is the imperfect realization of the design inherited from the Enlightenment, who founded the STATE on the social contract implied contract between rulers and gouvernes. whatever its form; the state must fulfill contractual duties as public education; public health; the protection of citizens; is to say the model is public.The Service of WELFARE STATE must provide to its citizens all he want.Cette form of state is in the process of disappearing into the facts: it happens more to perform its functions; by lack of resources and political will, because the historical development the convicted.
The contract is broken: citizens should not behave in this contradictory manner: on the one hand they are against the law; the etat.They see it as oppression and denial of their liberty; on the other hand; they expect everything from the state: a behavior that can be described as infantile morbid condition is the foremost men cre establishment of rational and enlightened men: it is why democracy is not fruit of choice of many ignorant and must stop populist derivatives that produce wars and dictatorships.
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